Otherwise Phyllis

Otherwise Phyllis


(1 Review)
Otherwise Phyllis by Meredith Nicholson







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Otherwise Phyllis


(1 Review)
"Phyllis is a healthy, hearty, vivacious young woman of prankish disposition and inquiring mind.... About the best example between book covers of the American girl whose general attitude toward mankind is one of friendliness." --Boston Advertiser.

Book Excerpt

ught a glimpse of the farmhouse itself, where doubtless refreshments were even now in readiness. Phil was far enough away to be safe from observation and yet near enough to identify many of the dancers. They were chiefly young people she had known all her life, and the strangers were presumably friends of the Holtons from Indianapolis and elsewhere.

The strains of a familiar waltz caused a quick reassembling of the dancers. The music tingled in Phil's blood. She kept time with head and hands, and then, swinging round, began dancing, humming the air as her figure swayed and bent to its cadences. By some whim the nearest corn-shock became the center of her attention. Round and round it she moved, with a child's abandon; and now that the moon's full glory lay upon the fields, her shadow danced mockingly with her. Fauns and nymphs tripped thus to wild music in the enchanted long ago when the world was young. Hers was the lightest, the most fantastic of irresponsible shadows. It was not the mere reflection


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Really enjoyed the first half of this book. Phyllis is a great independent free spirited young lady and her mother even more so. Nicholson has no hesitation in creating strong women and I like that but the last half just had too much business dealings with bonds receivership, etc. understandable with him being a politician business man, just I find it takes about from the story of Phyllis. I say read the first half.
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