Mercy Rising: Box Set Books 1-3

Mercy Rising: Box Set Books 1-3
Mercy Rising: Box Set Books 1-3
DC Little

Their survival depends on Mercy rising. At least, that is what Mercy has been told her entire life.

Mercy fights against the role she is told she plays in the coming storm they had been preparing for most of her life.

Mercy doesn't know if she is the savior her family deems, but she won't let the horrors that threaten their peaceful way of life touch the innocents of her community.


About the Author

DC Little writes what she loves, incorporating survival techniques within action-packed natural disaster stories. The Sierra Nevada Mountains are her playground, both for adventure and scheming up new plots.

If DC is not attached to her computer typing out her latest novel, then you will probably find her on some sort of adventure with her husband and son. Whether white-water kayaking, backcountry skiing, dirt bike riding, or finding the next bug-out hidden oasis, she feels most at home in the trees and granite wonderlands of her home county.