The Aeneid of Virgil

The Aeneid of Virgil
Translated into English Verse by E. Fairfax Taylor


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The Aeneid of Virgil by Virgil





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The Aeneid of Virgil
Translated into English Verse by E. Fairfax Taylor


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Edited by Ernest Rhys, 1859-1946

Book Excerpt

called, who at that time, year after year, gained the Balliol scholarship. But circumstances made him decide otherwise, and in 1865 he passed the necessary examination for a clerkship in the House of Lords. The long vacations gave him time to continue this labour of love, and in the intervals of much other literary work, and in spite of ill health, he completed the translation of the twelve books of the _Aeneid_. He looked forward to re-editing it and bringing it out when he should have retired from his work in the House of Lords, but this day never came, and he died from heart disease in January 1902. His was a singularly charming disposition, and he was beloved by all who knew him; while the courage and patience with which he bore ever-increasing suffering, and the stoicism he showed in fulfilling his duties in the House of Lords, have left a deep impression on all his friends.

L. M.

The _Edisso Princeps_, of Virgil is that printed at Rome by Sweynham and Pannartz. It was not dated, but it is


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