5 Ways To Get Your Favorite Ebooks For Free

5 Ways To Get Your Favorite Ebooks For Free

Ebooks are changing the publishing industry at a rapid pace. Plenty of authors prefer self-publishing over working with the publishing houses and authors are more hands-on with their own marketing. This changing industry creates great opportunities for readers. Hundreds of books are given away for free every day - it is just a question of knowing where to find them. Here are some tips for readers on a budget on how to get your favorite books at a bargain.

1. Subscribe to Price Promotion Newsletters

You can search Amazon for free and discounted books, but a price promotion newsletter is by far the easiest way to find the latest, high-quality free ebooks. Most authors try to market their book giveaways or promotions in larger newsletters such as Manybooks.net, which has over 130,000 subscribers. Not all of them get accepted, as Manybooks has an editorial team who hand-picks each book and will only feature the books that pass their quality check. Most books in the Manybooks newsletter are discounted to less than $2 and many of them are available for free for a limited time.

2. Follow Your Favorite Authors

Most authors of today have a social media presence, so be sure to follow your favorite ones to find the giveaways straight from the source. If you are following them on Facebook, change your Newsfeed Preferences so you are alerted to any activity on their page.

3. Follow A Story Chapter by Chapter

Some authors release their books chapter by chapter via Wattpad as they are writing them. With 25 million users, Wattpad is the largest community for readers and authors and a great place to discover new talent and enjoy new stories without paying a cent for your reading pleasure.

4. Become a Book Reviewer

This one requires a bit more effort, but if you enjoy writing reviews, it can be very rewarding. Start reviewing books on your blog or directly on Amazon. If your reviews are helpful and good, many authors will be happy to give you a free review copy of their books.

5. Join a Reader Community in Your Genre

There are plenty of genre-specific communities where readers chat about their favorite authors and books. Search for groups in your favorite genre on platforms such as Goodreads, Facebook and Reddit that talk about the latest giveaways. If you don't want to focus on one specific genre, use search terms such as "book bargains," "free ebooks" or "99c books" to find pages that focus solely on free and discounted books.

Anna Stuart - Heart-Wrenching WW2 Historical Fiction
FEATURED AUTHOR - Anna Stuart wanted to be an author from the moment she could pick up a pen and was writing boarding-school novels by the age of nine. She made the early mistake of thinking she ought to get a ‘proper job’ and went into Factory Planning—a career that provided her with wonderful experiences, amazing friends, and even a fantastic husband, but didn’t offer much creative scope. When she stopped having children, she took the chance to start the ‘improper job’ of writing.