Badass Grief: Changing Gears, Moving Forward

Badass Grief: Changing Gears, Moving Forward
Badass Grief: Changing Gears, Moving Forward
Jennifer E. Hassel

Badass Grief: Turn grief into action, live bravely. Jennifer honors her late husband's memory by embracing life fearlessly. From getting a motorcycle license to heli-skiing, she defies limits. Now, facing love anew, she discovers her own strength.


About the Author

Jennifer E. Hassel is a fearless author dedicated to empowering others to overcome grief and embrace life's challenges head-on. Inspired by her own journey of loss and resilience, Jennifer's writing resonates with authenticity and courage. Her book, "Badass Grief: Changing the Way We Think and Move Forward," offers a transformative perspective on navigating loss and finding strength in vulnerability. With a background in nursing and a passion for helping others heal, Jennifer's work is a beacon of hope for those seeking to rebuild their lives after loss.

Jennifer E. Hassel