The Safety Curtain

The Safety Curtain
and Other Stories


(1 Review)
The Safety Curtain by Ethel May Dell





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The Safety Curtain
and Other Stories


(1 Review)
A very vivid love story of India. The volume also contains four otherlong stories of equal interest.

Book Excerpt

omehow expressed in every line. There was fire, too,--a strange, bewitching fire,--behind the thick black lashes.

Very suddenly that fire was turned upon him again. With a swift, darting movement she knelt up in front of him, her clasped hands on his knees.

"Why did you save me just now?" she said. "Why wouldn't you let me die?"

He looked full at her. She vibrated like a winged creature on the verge of taking flight. But her eyes--her eyes sought his with a strange assurance, as though they saw in him a comrade.

"Why did you make me live when I wanted to die?" she insisted. "Is life so desirable? Have you found it so?"

His brows contracted at the last question, even while his mouth curved cynically. "Some people find it so," he said.

"But you?" she said, and there was almost accusation in her voice, "Have the gods been kind to you? Or have they thrown you the dregs--just the dregs?"

The passionate note in the words, subdued though it was, was not to be mistaken. It stirred him oddly, maki


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