Lord, Teach Us To Pray

Lord, Teach Us To Pray


(1 Review)
Lord, Teach Us To Pray by Andrew Murray







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Lord, Teach Us To Pray


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Book Excerpt

and then adds, 'and is now.' He came to baptize with the Holy Spirit; the Spirit could not stream forth till He was glorified (John i. 33, vii. 37, 38, xvi. 7). It was when He had made an end of sin, and entering into the Holiest of all with His blood, had there on our behalf received the Holy Spirit (Acts ii. 33), that He could send Him down to us as the Spirit of the Father. It was when Christ had redeemed us, and we in Him had received the position of children, that the Father sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts to cry, 'Abba, Father.' The worship in spirit is the worship of the Father in the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Sonship.

This is the reason why Jesus here uses the name of Father. We never find one of the Old Testament saints personally appropriate the name of child or call God his Father. The worship of the Father is only possible to those to whom the Spirit of the Son has been given. The worship in spirit is only possible to those


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Profile picture for user HappyHermit
This book is so amazing that I fear I will do it a disservice by attempting to review it. How can I put the depth of its content into a summary?

I grew up reading the Bible, attending church, praying, etc. I never felt I really understood prayer as I should like but it seemed no resource existed that could impart the depth of understanding I wished to attain on the subject. That is, until I stumbled upon Andrew Murray's book Lord, Teach Us to Pray. This book spoke to the depth of my soul. It has opened my eyes to the amazement of God's real intent for prayer in the life of a believer. As I read this book, I underlined important insights. Alas, some chapters were nearly completely underlined! This book truly is that helpful in mining the gems of prayer as God intended it. That way is far more than I ever dreamed, and it is amazing to me.

I have been brought to tears numerous times as I was awed by God's design and intent of prayer. God used the content of these pages to bring prayer from a duty to a desire. It as if my eyes have been opened for the very first time. I have longed this kind of understanding for decades. God has been so good as to in bringing this old text into my life at just the right time for it to speak to my heart in a profound and meaningful way.
Anna Stuart - Heart-Wrenching WW2 Historical Fiction
FEATURED AUTHOR - Anna Stuart wanted to be an author from the moment she could pick up a pen and was writing boarding-school novels by the age of nine. She made the early mistake of thinking she ought to get a ‘proper job’ and went into Factory Planning—a career that provided her with wonderful experiences, amazing friends, and even a fantastic husband, but didn’t offer much creative scope. When she stopped having children, she took the chance to start the ‘improper job’ of writing.