Second Sight

Second Sight
A Study of Natural and Induced Clairvoyance


(1 Review)
Second Sight by Walter Gorn Old







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Second Sight
A Study of Natural and Induced Clairvoyance


(1 Review)
In the following pages I have endeavoured to indicate the nature of the faculty of Second Sight or Clairvoyance, the means of its development, the use of suitable media or agents for this purpose, and the kind of results that may be expected to follow a regulated effort in this direction. I have also sought to show that the development of the psychic faculties may form an orderly step in the process of human unfoldment and perfectibility.

Book Excerpt

ay exist.

The relations of our sense-organs to the various degrees of matter, to solids, fluids, gases, atmosphere and ether, vary in different individuals to such a wide extent as to create the greatest diversity of normal faculty. The average wool-sorter will outvie an artist in his perception of colour shades. An odour that is distinctly recognizable by one person will not be perceptible to others. In the matter of sound also the same differences of perception will be noted. On a very still night one can hear the sugar canes growing. Most people find the cry of a bat to be beyond their range. The eye cannot discern intervals of less than one-fiftieth of a second. Atmospheric vibration does not become sound until a considerable frequency is attained. Every movement we make displaces air but our sense of touch does not inform us of it, but if we stand in a sunbeam the dust particles will show that it is so. Our sense of feeling will not register above certain degrees of heat or below certain degrees o


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A book for people who believe in clairvoyance. The author tries to explain how it might be possible, using outdated chemistry and physics theories. He explains the types of vision, how to select a crystal ball or black concave mirror for self-hypnosis, and how to interpret the symbols that might be seen. He is glib and self assured, and happy to instruct you in developing your own talents.

I found it a lot like talking to a Vegan.
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