A Clinician's Journey from Complex Trauma to Thriving

A Clinician's Journey from Complex Trauma to Thriving
Rev. Sheri Heller, LCSW
This collection of essays was inspired by the author's personal struggle with recovering from complex ptsd rooted in systemic and generational child abuse, and her commitment to devoting her life to helping others similarly afflicted.

About the Author

Rev. Sheri Heller, LCSW is a NYC psychotherapist and interfaith minister in private practice specializing in the treatment of complex trauma and addictive disorders. Sheri is also a free-lance writer, a playwright and the creator of a therapeutic theater event for at-risk women and girls in the public sector of NYC. Sheri's journey of recovery was told through an animated film short by OC87 Recovery Diaries and aired on PBS in 2017.