One Dark Night

One Dark Night
Anna Faversham
The choices we make determine our futures and Lucy is torn between two paths. A romantic thriller mystery, dark and intriguing.

About the Author

I have lived most of my life in Kent, England but I’ve also lived in New Zealand and central Africa. Both had a lasting influence. Africa dragged my love of writing to the surface. Living some forty miles from the nearest tarmac road and seventy from anything pretending to be a bookshop, I soon ran out of bedtime stories for the children. Scribbling began.

On returning to England, fiction had to take a back seat as real life took over, you know the sort of thing - a proper job to keep feeding the mortgage and the growing family, and chores and more chores. But a love of writing finally erupted into regular tap-tapping. I've written and read for the BBC and published short stories and three novels.