The Hook: Surfing to Survive a Shattered Family, Drugs, Gangs and the FBI

The Hook: Surfing to Survive a Shattered Family, Drugs, Gangs and the FBI
Kathleen Doler
With stabs at the heart, breathtaking surfing and brutal action, THE HOOK chronicles Dana’s rescue mission to help her injured and drug-addicted brother, Shane, who’s being hunted by a drug kingpin and the FBI.

About the Author

Kathleen Doler is the author of the award-winning novel, THE HOOK, named a "Notable Book of 2017"by BlueInk Review, and a finalist in the 2017 National Indie Excellence Awards. She grew up on Northern California’s coast. She’s also a journalist and adventure sports addict. She writes for national newspapers and magazines on everything from business and finance to helicopter skiing, surfing and scuba diving. She travels extensively, often while pursuing sports that have the potential to maim her.