Your Key to Life in Colors: Investing in Yourself Benefits More than Life Insurance

Your Key to Life in Colors: Investing in Yourself Benefits More than Life Insurance
James Meyers
Shows another side of the medal Gives a clear understanding of what insurance business is about Helps get rid of concerns, worries and a feeling that your life's in danger Helps understand if life insurance really gives the benefits that you were promised

About the Author

James has 15 years experience in insurance business. living in the business of fears and horror where people "pay for diseases, traumas, accidents and other terrible things", he came up with complete understanding of this business and that it actually exists because many people choose to die rather than to live. Why James calls insurance business "ordering an accident" you can find in his book. At the present time James invests his time and money in himself and helps others people to cope with their fears and prevent accidents instead of letting them happen and getting compensation afterwards.