Kim Richardson - Angels, Demons, Darkness and Light

Kim Richardson - Angels, Demons, Darkness and Light
Kim Richardson

Kim Richardson is the award-winning author of the bestselling SOUL GUARDIANS series, the MYSTICS series, and the DIVIDED REALMS series. Kim's books are available in print editions, and translations are available in over 7 languages. She lives in the eastern part of Canada with her husband, two dogs and a very old cat. As our Author of the Day, she tells us more about The Complete Soul Guardians Collection.

Please give us a short introduction to what The Complete Soul Guardians Collection is about.

The books follow the story of Kara, a young 16-year-old who dies and becomes a guardian angel. The story revolves around the war of angels vs demons, of good and evil, and how the angels must save mortal souls.

How do the books in the collection tie in with one another? Can they be read as standalones?

The books all follow one another, they can't be read as standalones.

Tell us more about the Guardian Angel Legion. Who are they and what makes them so important?

The Angel Legion is a secret band of angels dedicated to protect mortal souls from demons. Without them, the mortal world would become a giant meat fest for the demons. The angels are there to protect the humans.

Which of the books in the series is your personal favorite and why?

The first book of the series, Marked. Probably because it was the first book i attempted to write, and because it won an award.

Did the series end with book 8, or are there more coming from you?

The series is finished at 8 books, but there is a spin off series called, The Horizon Chronicles, which follows another young girl as she learns what it is to be a guardian angel.

Besides writing, what other secret skills do you have?

I like to work on my covers, sometimes i hire professionals and sometimes i do them. It depends how busy i am and what i want from the covers.

Do you have any interesting writing habits, what's your average writing day like?

Every morning i sit at my desk with my coffee and try to write at least 2000 words. Sometimes i can hit 3000, but that's rare.

Do you consider yourself a disciplined writer? Do you have a schedule that you stick to, or is it more in the moment?

I'm very disciplined. I write everyday. Even on holidays. I try to write and edit 1 book every two months, then add 1 month for my editor. So that's basically 4 books a year. I don't write fast like many other authors out there, so i stick to what works for me.

What genre of books do you like to read? Do you limit yourself to only the genre that you write yourself?

I love all kinds of different genres. From YA to Adult, fantasy and urban fantasy, books about magic, so i don't limit myself. I read what interests me.

Can you give readers a sneak peek at what's coming next from you?

I'm working on a new series, for mature YA, called Shadow and Light. The first book, Dark Hunt, is out and the second installment, Dark Bound will be out on September 13th.

What are you working on right now?

I'm working on Dark Rise, book 3 of the Shadow and Light series.

Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?

They can find me on Facebook:

and my website:

This deal has ended but you can read more about the book here.