The Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals

The Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals
Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan
(1 Review)
The Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals by Unknown







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The Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals
Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan
(1 Review)

Book Excerpt

s maintenance.

There must have been a cordiality in his welcome into the Tod family, for to the day of his death he looked upon judge Tod and his wife, with all the reverence he could have felt if they had been parents instead of benefactors. I have often heard him speak of Mrs. Tod as the most admirable woman he had ever known. He remained with the Tod family only a few years, until old enough to learn a trade. He went first, I believe, with his half-brother, Peter Grant, who, though not a tanner himself, owned a tannery in Maysville, Kentucky. Here he learned his trade, and in a few years returned to Deerfield and worked for, and lived in the family of a Mr. Brown, the father of John Brown--"whose body lies mouldering in the grave, while his soul goes marching on." I have often heard my father speak of John Brown, particularly since the events at Harper's Ferry. Brown was a boy when they lived in the same house, but he knew him afterwards, and regarded him as a man of great purity of character, of hi


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