My Service in the U.S. Colored Cavalry

My Service in the U.S. Colored Cavalry
A Paper Read before the Ohio Commandery of the Loyal Legion, March 4, 1908


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My Service in the U.S. Colored Cavalry by Frederick W. Browne





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My Service in the U.S. Colored Cavalry
A Paper Read before the Ohio Commandery of the Loyal Legion, March 4, 1908


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An interesting narrative of personal army experiences, embracing all kinds of adventure, the most thrilling of which, was a mutiny in the colored regiment on board ship on the way from Fortress Monroe to Brazos Santiago, Texas, in 1865.

Book Excerpt

hing the next morning I went out to see him, and he had disappeared. The stable guard swore that no horse got loose and no human being approached the line during the night, but my horse was gone and I am still looking for him. Still shut up in the Bermuda Hundred lines, cavalry was of but little use there, but one day headquarters decided to make use of us and an order came to camp for the regiment to report at a certain point near the line at 9 o'clock P. M., in light marching order, and we were there. An orderly rode along the line with word for all officers to report at the right of the regiment. Going there, the Colonel informed us that the order was that the regiment was to pass out through the lines, and as soon as the head of the column was fired on by the enemy it was to charge right through the fortified lines of the confederate army, and getting through to its rear onto Richmond and Petersburg Pike, and destroy all confederate wagon trains and then pass on and tear up as much as possible of the Rich


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