Concrete Construction

Concrete Construction
Methods and Costs


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Concrete Construction by Charles Shattuck Hill, Halbert Powers Gillette





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Concrete Construction
Methods and Costs


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How best to perform construction work and what it will cost for materials, labor, plant and general expenses are matters of vital interest to engineers and contractors. This book is a treatise on the methods and cost of concrete construction.

Book Excerpt

The cost of supplies and tools was as follows:

1,000 ft. B. M. 2×12 boards charged off $ 9.25 500 ft. B. M. 2×6 boards charged off 4.12 1,000 ft. B. M. 1×10 boards charged off 14.25 ½-in. basswood 4.30 ½ keg 3-in. nails 1.42 ½ keg 4-in. nails 1.43 Pickets 3.25 Tools charged off 3.15 ------ Total $41.17

This total, when divided by 1,326 lin. ft. of curb, gives the cost per lineal foot as about 3 cts. We can now summarize as follows:

Per lin. P. C. of Item. Total. ft. total. Labor $304.33 23 43 Material 367.56 28 51 Supplies 41.17 3 6 ------- ---- --- Total $713.06 $0.54 100

As indicated above, on more extensive work the costs of carting, watchman, cleaning up, and extras would be avoided. They cost on this work 5 cts. and the work could therefore be done for 49 cts. if no such charges were included. On such work also the charge for supplies would be lower per foot and on any future work the labor cost could be materially lowered, this curb having been somewhat of an experiment as to method of construction. It is thought that with no charges for carting, cleaning, watchman, and extras, and with the experience obtained, this curb could be built for about 46 cts. The proportions adopted and the method of construction followed, produce a very strong, dense, homogeneous curb and gutter.

[Illustration: Fig. 125.--Concrete Curb and Gutter at Champaign, Ill.]


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Lloyd Lofthouse - Cat-and-Mouse Tension, Crackling Action, and a Touch of Forbidden Romance
FEATURED AUTHOR - Lloyd Lofthouse is a former U.S. Marine and Vietnam Veteran, who worked as a maître d’ in a 15 million dollar nightclub for a few years. He also taught English literature in the public schools for most of 30 years where he explored Romeo and Juliet with thousands of high school students.