The cõforte of louers

The cõforte of louers
The Comfort of Lovers


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The cõforte of louers by Stephen Hawes



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The cõforte of louers
The Comfort of Lovers


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Book Excerpt

Made longe ago to be memoryall
And vnder the fyrst glasse ryght fayre wryten was
Beholde thy selfe / and thy fautes or thou passe

By a sylken threde / small as ony heere
Ouer I sawe hange / a swerde full ponderous
Without a scauberde / full sharpe for to fere
The poynt dounwarde / ryght harde and asperous
All this I sawe / with hert full dolorous
Yet at auenture / to se the mystery
In the myroure / I loked than full sodenly

In this glasse I sawe / how I had ledde my lyfe
Sythens the tyme of my dyscrecyon
As vnto wyldnesse / alwaye affyrmatyfe
Folowynge the pleasure / of wylfull amonycyon
Not vnto vertue hauynge intencyon
Ihesu sayd I / thou hast me well preserued
From this swerdes fall / whiche I haue oft deserued

O ye estates / aloft on fortunes whele
Remembre this swerde / whiche ouer you dependeth
Beware the fall / before that ye it fele
Se your one euyll / se what vengeaunce ensueth
Correcte none other / wh


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FEATURED AUTHOR - Lloyd Lofthouse is a former U.S. Marine and Vietnam Veteran, who worked as a maître d’ in a 15 million dollar nightclub for a few years. He also taught English literature in the public schools for most of 30 years where he explored Romeo and Juliet with thousands of high school students.