Short Stories, vol 3

Short Stories, vol 3


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Short Stories, vol 3 by Guy de Maupassant



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Short Stories, vol 3


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Miss Harriet -- Little Louise Roque -- The donkey -- Moiron -- The dispenser of holy water -- The parricide -- Bertha -- The patron -- The door -- A sale -- The impolite sex -- A wedding gift -- The relic.

Book Excerpt

en it swerved across a furrow, stopped, started off again at full speed, changed its course, stopped anew, uneasy, spying out every danger, uncertain what route to take, when suddenly it began to run with great bounds, disappearing finally in a large patch of beet-root. All the men had waked up to watch the course of the animal.

Rene Lamanoir exclaimed:

"We are not at all gallant this morning," and; regarding his neighbor, the little Baroness de Serennes, who struggled against sleep, he said to her in a low tone: "You are thinking of your husband, baroness. Reassure yourself; he will not return before Saturday, so you have still four days."

She answered with a sleepy smile:

"How stupid you are!" Then, shaking off her torpor, she added: "Now, let somebody say something to make us laugh. You, Monsieur Chenal, who have the reputation of having had more love affairs than the Due de Richelieu, tell us a love story in which you have played a part; anything you like."

Leon Chenal,


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