Upon The Tree-Tops

Upon The Tree-Tops


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Upon The Tree-Tops by Olive Thorne Miller





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Upon The Tree-Tops


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Students of birds out of doors will welcome this new volume by Mrs. Miller. Her enthusiastic and careful observations of the home-life of birds have not only added to our knowledge of the habits of species whose ways we supposed were well known, but they have shown how much there is in bird-life to interest every stroller in the woods and fields.

Book Excerpt

hrush goes on with sublime indifference to the voices of common folk down below. Sometimes he is answered from afar by another of his kind, who arranges his notes a little differently. The two seem to wait for each other, as if not to mar their divine harmony by vulgar haste or confusion.

* * * * *

"We must find the 'see-here' bird," said my friend the next morning, when she appeared at the door of the farmhouse, and I joined her for our second tramp. This was a bird whose long, deliberate notes, sounding like the above words, had tantalized me from the day of my arrival.

We resolved this time to go into the woods we had skirted the night before. A set of bars admitted us to a most enticing bit of forest, a paradise to city-weary eyes and nature-loving hearts. From the bars rose sharply a rough wood road, while a few steps to the right and a scramble up a rocky path changed the whole world in a moment. We were in a perfect nook, which I had discovered a few days before, with a carpet of d


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