Reincarnation Romance Novels Like Until The Next Time

Reincarnation Romance Novels Like Until The Next Time

It was the poet Virgil who famously wrote, "love conquers all." While this sentiment may not always hold true in reality, the realm of fiction knows no bounds. There is an abundance of romance novels available, where couples triumph over various obstacles to be together. However, some stories take this notion even further. Within certain romance novels, not even death can separate soulmates, and their love endures across multiple lifetimes. An excellent example of such a tale is "Until The Next Time" by Kevin Fox. In this novel, a man stumbles upon a journal left by his late uncle, only to discover that it holds the chronicle of his own life and unveils the key to finding the woman he is destined to love eternally. If you're interested in exploring more books that delve into the theme of reincarnation romance, the following recommendations are similar to the captivating essence of "Until The Next Time."

Midnight Bayou

by Nora Roberts

Midnight Bayou by Nora Roberts

Midnight Bayou by Nora Roberts is set deep in the bayou of Louisiana, where a man named Declan Fitzgerald buys a dilapidated mansion intending to restore it to its former splendor. Declan has been obsessed with Manet Hall ever since stumbling across it eleven years earlier when he was in college, but can’t explain the impulse that drove him to buy it. The restoration is also a daunting process that Declan takes on alone, but spending his time in total isolation begins to take its toll. When Declan begins to see visions from a century past and experience strange sensations he begins to think that local legends about the house being haunted might be true. However, when Declan meets the alluring Angelina Simone he discovers that she has her own surprising connection to the mansion.

Eyes of the Peacock

by Dawn Gardner 

Eyes of the Peacock by Dawn Gardner

Eyes of the Peacock by Dawn Gardner features a wedding photographer, Alex Rossi, who after her recent engagement will finally have the chance to be on the other side of the lens. However, while photographing a wedding at an old mansion she has a freak accident that leaves her with a head injury. While recovering from her injury Alex begins to experience reoccurring visions of a dancer from the 1920s named Camille. These visions prompt Alex to begin researching Camille, and her younger sister Hazel. In the process, Alex begins to discover a lot of parallels between her own life and that of the woman in her visions.


by Jude Deveraux

Remembrance by Jude Deveraux

Remembrance by Jude Deveraux features a dash of time travel mixed in with reincarnation romance. The story features Hayden Lane, a bestselling romance writer who becomes obsessed with one of her fictional heroes to the point that her fiance breaks off their engagement. Unfettered, Hayden visits a psychic in an effort to find out more and is shocked to learn that she had a past life as a promiscuous woman of Edwardian England named Lady de Grey. However, instead of merely remembering her past life Hayden ends up traveling back in time where she learns about a curse that is keeping her and her soul mate apart in future lives. 

The Next Together

by Lauren James

The Next Together by Lauren James

The Next Together by Lauren James is the story of Katherine and Matthew, two people who are destined to be born again and again only to fall hopelessly in love and separate tragically. During each lifetime they are total strangers to each other but are thrust together under unusual circumstances. However, each time their presence also changes history for the better even though they are doomed to never be left to love in peace. The story of The Next Together unfolds across parallel time streams and is made up of prose, diary entries, letters, news reports, Internet articles, and more that chronicle the lives of Katherine and Matthew.

My Name is Memory

by Ann Brashares

My Name is Memory by Ann Brashares

My Name is Memory is a story of reincarnation and love by Ann Brashares, author of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Lucy is a girl who finds herself drawn to a boy named Daniel but cannot explain why. However, Daniel knows exactly who Lucy is as he has spent centuries falling in love with her. He can remember every one of their past lives and how in each one they would cross continents and dynasties to be together only to be torn painfully and fatally apart. Unfortunately, when Lucy finally awakens to the secret of their past lives the two again find themselves in the crosshairs of the mysterious force that has always separated them.

The Layers

by Candace Austin

The Layers by Candace Austin

The Layers by Candace Austin is set in a world where an event called “the Unveiling” causes everyone to be able to remember their past lives. The record for most past lives is five, which is shattered by 19-year-old David Piplinger when it is revealed that he has already lived 68 lives. This news turns him into an overnight celebrity and everyone looks to him for answers to the question of what is the point of living. However, for David, the point has always been a girl who he knows will come into his life and who he will love unconditionally until she kills him. When David teams up with a woman named Holly Stone to write his autobiography he believes that he has found the love of his lives again. With the whole world watching the couple tries to unravel the mystery of their pasts and whether or not David will live to see his twentieth birthday. 

Grasping at Eternity

by Karen Amanda Hooper

Grasping at Eternity by Karen Amanda Hooper

Grasping at Eternity by Karen Amanda Hooper is the story of Maryah and Nathan, two soulmates who have spent many lifetimes together. However, before her latest reincarnation, Maryah did the unthinkable and erased all her memories of her past lives. At the age of seventeen Maryah is still oblivious to the fact that her new adoptive family has known her for centuries and that she is supposed to love and not despise Nathan. In turn, Nathan’s heart is shattered by being around his soulmate who has no memory of him while he carries the memories of all their lifetimes together. Unfortunately, while his family attempts to spark Maryah’s memory the evil outcast who murdered her in her last lifetime is still after her. 


Miranda Kate - Engaging Psychological Thrillers
FEATURED AUTHOR - Miranda started out life wanting to be a film director, but when directing people didn't work, she turned to words instead, finding them much easier to deal with – most days. Miranda has been featured in several Flash Fiction anthologies and ezines, and published several books, including three collections, four novels, and a novella. She writes across genres, which include Horror, Science Fiction Fantasy, Time Travel and Paranormal Fantasy, often mixing them together – the one constant being… Read more