The Girl from Montana

The Girl from Montana


(1 Review)
The Girl from Montana by Grace Livingston Hill







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The Girl from Montana


(1 Review)
A lovable girl upon whom fate has thrust an unbearable burden of trouble, alone in the mountains of Montana and threatened by a man whom she has every cause to hate and fear, arms herself, mounts a horse, and bravely rides away. Thus begins a journey leading East to grandparents of a widely divergent social station. Her experiences are novel and sometimes humorous, but through them all she never quite forgets a certain tenderfoot who befriended her for a short time on her lonely journey...

Book Excerpt

st she faltered out,

"Three days!"

He swore beneath his breath, and his brows drew down in heavy frowns that were not good to see. She shuddered at what it would be to be in his power forever. How he would play with her and toss her aside! Or kill her, perhaps, when he was tired of her! Her life on the mountain had made her familiar with evil characters.

He came a step nearer, and she felt she was losing ground.

Straightening up, she said coolly:

"You must go away at once, and not think of coming back at least until to-morrow night. Go!" With wonderful control she smiled at him, one frantic, brilliant smile; and to her great wonder he drew back. At the door he paused, a softened look upon his face.

"Mayn't I kiss you before I go?"

She shuddered involuntarily, but put out her hands in protest again. "Not to-night!" She shook her head, and tried to smile.

He thought he understood her, but turned away half satisfied. Then she heard his step coming back to t


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