The Man of Science

The Man of Science


(3 Reviews)
The Man of Science by Jerome K. Jerome







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The Man of Science


(3 Reviews)

Book Excerpt

rkable about the matter, however, was that throughout our walk I had conversed with the man under the impression that he was that other dead man, and, whether by coincidence or not, his replies had never once suggested to me my mistake.

As soon as I finished, Jephson, who had been listening very thoughtfully, asked me if I believed in spiritualism "to its fullest extent."

"That is rather a large question," I answered. "What do you mean by 'spiritualism to its fullest extent'?"

"Well, do you believe that the spirits of the dead have not only the power of revisiting this earth at their will, but that, when here, they have the power of action, or rather, of exciting to action? Let me put a definite case. A spiritualist friend of mine, a sensible and by no means imaginative man, once told me that a table, through the medium of which the spirit of a friend had been in the habit of communicating with him, came slowly across the room towards him, of its own accord, one night as he sat alone, and pinioned him against the wall. Now


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Readers reviews

Average from 3 Reviews
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Someone else's story, told as an anecdote, is never as involving as the narrator telling his own story as it happens. This is a revenge-from-the-grave ghost story related among friends that has too many vague details to suck in a reader. The writing isn't bad.
(1892) Ghost (Specter revenge) / Short story (Magazine article)

From Sept. 1892 issue of 'The Idler'

R: * * * *

Plot bullets

Two men have an intense hate for each other. This leads to a chase, in which only one will return.
The chase ends with the death of one man, but not by the hand of the other.
That means the vendetta is still active.
The survivor becomes a respected scientist..
The intensity of hate may be something that cannot be classified or avoided, even by one who is known as The Man of Science.

Jerome handles the darker side of life in this story.
It is a departure from the humorous, satirical comedies like
'Three Men In A Boat'.

You talk with an acquaintance.
You find out later he died before that meeting.
Does this man have unfinished business.

One of my favorite humorist/satirists also spins a good ghost story.
Miranda Kate - Engaging Psychological Thrillers
FEATURED AUTHOR - Miranda started out life wanting to be a film director, but when directing people didn't work, she turned to words instead, finding them much easier to deal with – most days. Miranda has been featured in several Flash Fiction anthologies and ezines, and published several books, including three collections, four novels, and a novella. She writes across genres, which include Horror, Science Fiction Fantasy, Time Travel and Paranormal Fantasy, often mixing them together – the one constant being… Read more