The Life of Nelson, Volume 2

The Life of Nelson, Volume 2
The Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain


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The Life of Nelson, Volume 2 by Alfred Thayer Mahan





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The Life of Nelson, Volume 2
The Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain


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Book Excerpt

f October 20 Relative positions of the fleets at midnight Conditions at daybreak of the 21st The manoeuvres of the two fleets Nelson's intercourse with Blackwood on the 21st He bequeaths Lady Hamilton and Horatia to the care of his Country The hostile fleets forming for battle Nelson's impatience to close the enemy The anxiety of others for his personal safety The order of the allies while awaiting attack Nelson's last prayer as entered in his journal The origin and development of his famous signal The battle opens The "Victory" comes under fire Nelson bids Blackwood a final farewell Exposure and loss of life on board the "Victory" The "Victory" breaks the enemy's line Her duel with the "Redoutable" Nelson falls, mortally wounded The death-scene in the cockpit The decisive hour of the battle The second and closing phase of the battle Nelson's anxiety about Hardy Hardy's first visit to his death-bed The final exchange of shots Hardy's second visit and Nelson's farewell The last moments The death of Nelson Th


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