Simon Called Peter

Simon Called Peter


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Simon Called Peter by Robert Keable







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Simon Called Peter


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This tale of a priest's wartime affair with a young nurse has been described as "an astounding novel, the most delicate, the most beautiful, and the most outspoken love story of modern fiction."

Book Excerpt

The congregation of St. John's assembled on a Sunday morning as befitted its importance and dignity. Families arrived, or arrived by two or three representatives, and proceeded with due solemnity to their private pews. No one, of course, exchanged greetings on the way up the church, but every lady became aware, not only of the other ladies present, but of what each wore. A sidesman, with an air of portentous gravity, as one who, in opening doors, performed an office more on behalf of the Deity than the worshippers, was usually at hand to usher the party in. Once there, there was some stir of orderly bustle: kneelers were distributed according to requirements, books sorted out after the solemn unlocking of the little box that contained them, sticks and hats safely stowed away. These duties performed, paterfamilias cast one penetrating glance round the church, and leaned gracefully forward with a kind of circular motion. Having suitably addressed Almighty God (it is to be supposed), he would lean ba


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Stanley Campbell - Powerful, Fast-Paced, Character-driven Novel
FEATURED AUTHOR - Stanley grew up in a humble suburban house in Louisville, Kentucky, and frequently accompanied his family to church. It was in the church’s cozy library where his passion for reading was ignited. Jules Verne, Mark Twain, J.R.R. Tolkien, H.G. Wells, and C.S. Lewis captured his imagination, transporting him to exotic locales and thrilling adventures, including underwater expeditions. During his schooling, a 5th-grade Social Studies report on the events surrounding Paul Revere's ride sparked his… Read more