East of Suez

East of Suez


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East of Suez by W. Somerset Maugham







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East of Suez


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A seven scene play by the man behind Of Human Bondage.

Book Excerpt

GEORGE. Is she American?

HARRY. Only by marriage. I'm afraid she didn't have a very happy married life.

GEORGE. Poor thing. I think I'd take a small bet that you won't beat her.

HARRY. I mean to try my best to make her happy.

GEORGE. You old fool, I've never known a man who was likely to make a better husband.

HARRY. I'm most awfully in love with her, George.

GEORGE. Isn't that ripping? How old is she?

HARRY. Only twenty-two. She's the loveliest thing you ever saw.

GEORGE. And is she in love with you?

HARRY. She says so.

GEORGE. She damned well ought to be.

HARRY. I do hope you'll like her, George.

GEORGE. Of course I shall. You're not the sort of chap to fall in love with a woman who isn't nice.

[HARRY walks up and down for a moment restlessly.

HARRY. Will you have a whisky and soda?

GEORGE. No, thanks ... I'll wait for tea.

HARRY. She ought t


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