Ladies and Gentlemen...The Redeemers

Ladies and Gentlemen...The Redeemers


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Ladies and Gentlemen...The Redeemers by Michael Scott Miller







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Ladies and Gentlemen...The Redeemers


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Ladies and Gentlemen... The Redeemers tells the story of Bert Ingram, once a successful rep in the music industry, who has lost his way. Desperate for redemption, the perpetual dreamer decides to put together a band, recruiting musicians who have only one thing in common: the need to overcome a significant obstacle in their lives. The volatile mix of the musicians' personalities and backgrounds threatens to derail the band at every opportunity, but in time, the Redeemers begin to realize they have more to gain from one another than they ever could have imagined.

Book Excerpt

ind musicians and pitch them on the concept. Would they trust him? Could he rely on them? How was he going to find them all? Then there were the record companies. Could any of his contacts from so long ago still be out there? Would they be happy to hear from him, or would he continue to be shunned?

* * *

Abe hung around the plaza for awhile, thinking about what it might mean if Bert was really serious and telling the truth. Abe dispatched the thoughts.

He had a particularly low tolerance for anything even remotely resembling assistance. Abe had been blind since his childhood, and shuttered himself over the difficult years which followed, becoming a loner, not able or willing to trust in anyone other than himself.

By noon, hunger set in, so Abe made the short walk back to his low income apartment in the Mission District to get some lunch.

Abe made his way up the concrete steps and into the old brick building through the heavy stairwell door, then up the stairs that served as


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