Beasts of New York

Beasts of New York
a children's book for adults


(6 Reviews)
Beasts of New York by Jon Evans







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Beasts of New York
a children's book for adults


(6 Reviews)

Book Excerpt

ed and fled from his brother's drey. He ran straight down the maple trunk to the ground. From there Patch ran north and west. His hunger was a searing flame within him.

Patch and the Birds

It was not entirely true that Patch knew there was food in the mountains. He had never been to the mountains. No squirrel in all the Center Kingdom, as far as he knew, had ever been to the mountains. For between the kingdom and the mountains, surrounding it on all sides like a moat around a castle, there lay a blasted concrete wasteland, as wide as fifty squirrels laid nose to tail, and horrific death machines roared up and down this wasteland at terrifying speeds, all day and night. What's more, humans and dogs often crossed between the mountains and the kingdoms. And sometimes the dogs were not leashed. A squirrel would have to be very desperate indeed to dare the wastelands.

It was Toro who had told Patch about the food in the mountains. Toro was Patch's friend. And that itself was extr


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excellent book!! so not his normal style it floored me, and so standalone interesting and enjoyable it's the best thing I've read all last year! his insight as to how the world looks from an animals view was inspiring, thanks! maybe my dog is trying to talk to me, and maybe about more than just food.
Jon Evans is a fool to give this away for free. This story is every bit as entertaining as any Harry Potter adventure or modern fiction thriller. Download it. Read it. Print it. Give it to everyone you know.
i thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was a bit slow starting, but by the time patch was kidnapped i was hooked. Highly entertaining read for me. I love discovering a book like this, something totally unexpected and chosen at random. Its the great thing of manybooks... discovery.
An interesting story from an unusual perspective. Although too dark and at times bloody for children it makes for an interesting story for adults. It has obvious similarities to "Watership Down", and "Book of the Dun Cow", though it's probably not quite as well written. Still, an enjoyable fantasy.