
We are proud to offer you, as our reader, a library of close to 50,000 free eBooks - but where do you start? Which books will make you laugh, make you cry, keep you at the edge of your seat and stay with you long after finishing them?
The War of The Worlds by H.G. Wells is perhaps one of the most well known science fiction novels about alien contact, but certainly not the only one. Even before mankind has set foot in outer space, writers have been speculating about what might be waiting there for us.
Most people read books to relax or to get caught up in the dramas of others, so that they can escape from their own problems. However, books in the horror category are purposely written to unnerve the reader, make them feel uneasy and even outright scare them. Despite the abundance of horror movies, books in this genre still has the edge as nothing created with CGI or practical effects can match what your imagination can conjure up.
It’s that time of the year again, with carols echoing in the air, festive decorations everywhere and jolly men in red suits on every corner. If, despite all of this, you are still struggling to get into the Christmas spirit, maybe all you need is a break with a good book.
The first part of our Ten Free Non-Fiction Books For Learning Unusual Skills covered everything from taming and training wild and vicious horses to bee hunting, home taxidermy and dueling.
These days, if you are interested in learning a new skill or taking up a hobby, there is no shortage of information available about it online.
Although Westerns appear to have fallen out of favor with modern audiences, they were once a staple of both the literary and film world. Contemporary shows, such as West World, has put a new science fiction spin on the genre, but readers yearning for tales set in the American Old West frontier have less newer material to choose from.
Mention the word “espionage” and most people think of James Bond. However, the cloak-and-dagger genre of literature has a lot more spies than Ian Fleming’s most famous creation.
What is a good mystery novel without a thrilling crime to solve and a dogged detective with a penchant for logical deduction? Whether it is kidnapping, theft or murder, a good detective novel draws readers in and keeps them hooked with new clues and startling revelations.
Before vampires were brooding teens who sparkle in sunlight and always rushes to the aid of damsels in distress, they were a little more sinister and horrifying.