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Daniel Maldonado
Mr. Maldonado is a high impact litigation attorney for Liberty Mutual Group Field Legal, and a former partner with the law firm of Kunz Plitt Hyland & Demlong, P.C. Mr. Maldonado is an author/editor for Couch On Insurance 3d, a nationally recognized authoritative treatise on insurance law. Mr. Maldonado is also a contributing author for CAT Claims: Insurance Coverage for Natural and Man-Made Disasters. He writes literary dramas and romance from a male perspective. His original series, the “Chambers Lane” series, addresses social/cultural/religious struggles, which are primarily focused on the fictional Mendoza family living in the United States. Mr. Maldonado is currently working on the Daniel Mendoza Thriller Series based upon his extensive legal background. His books are available in e-book, paperback, hard copy, and audiobook.