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Graham Wilson
Graham Wilson lives in Sydney Australia.
He has completed and published twelve novels and a memoir.
His most recent novel is 'Mysteries', set in early Sydney about an old house and a mother and child missing for 30 years.
Other novels comprise two series,
1. Old Balmain House Series - 3 books
2. Crocodile Dreaming Series - 7 books.
He has also written another standalone novel, 'The Glitter''.
Graham's family memoir, 'Arnhem's Kaleidoscope Children' tells of his family's life in an aboriginal community the Northern Territory's remote Arnhem Land. It chronicles an idyllic childhood, 50 years of change with aboriginal land rights and discovery or uranium. It also tells of his surviving an attack by a large crocodile and of his work over two decades in the outback of the NT.
Books are published as ebooks by major ebook publishers. Some books are also available in print online and through selected local bookshops.
Graham's career was first as a veterinarian in a mixed practice treating farm animals and people's pets, before following his love for wildlife through working at a range of Australian Zoos. He also spent two decades working on large cattle and buffalo properties in the Northern Territory before moving to Sydney where he now lives in one of Sydney's oldest houses in the Rocks. He has continued to follow his joint passions working with animals, wildlife conservation and writing stories.
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