Ava and Shalom

Ava and Shalom: A Sensational WWII Story About Jewish Twins Who Believe They Are German Until Sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau
Ava and Shalom
Kate Birkin

1921: A German farmer finds twin baby girls abandoned in his barn. He and his barren wife are ecstatic, and raise the newborns as their own. 1939: WWII plunges Europe into chaos and terror. One night, a desperate Jewish woman fleeing the Nazis comes to the farm... It’s the girls’ birth mother! Soon secrets held for 20 years are revealed, altering everyone’s lives forever.

About the Author

Kate Birkin is the #1 Bestselling author of The Consequence of Anna and Ava and Shalom. With degrees in English Literature and History, she is an accomplished author and ghostwriter of a dozen novels and two original screenplays. Her co-author and dear friend, Mark Bornz, has a Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering with a minor in Psychology. Together they enjoy working on their projects and writing as a team, thrilled that their stories have entertained millions of readers around the world. Kate lives in Carmel, California, in her refurbished Victorian home overlooking the sea, where vintage oil painting portraits adorn the walls and their eyes seemingly follow you, stairs creak and doors mysteriously open by themselves, a fire is always crackling in her stone fireplace, and her two Siamese cats, Matilda and Carmichael, sit by her side while she writes. “When I was a child, I knew that books were pure magic. Portals into another realm where the book cover itself is the enchanted key to enter. To be able to time travel and experience life through someone else’s eyes is something I have always cherished. And now, as I create these stories and characters myself, I fall in love with them. It’s not just the reader who embarks on a journey as they begin one of my novels. Like Bastian in The Neverending Story, I too venture on that same journey when I write, loving every minute of it!”