David Turner is author of From Coward To Warrior, a true story about his battle with courage and the fight to save his marriage. He has a passion for helping men become the warriors that God created them to be, coaching them to fight the prevailing culture that portrays all men as bumbling fools, and preparing them for the conflicts they will face in the modern world. His website (by the same name as the book) gives more information for those who are interested.
David has worked as an assistant pastor in the inner city of San Francisco, a private high school Bible teacher in the Silicon Valley, and as a missionary to the Fiji Islands, to name just a few roles. He has a Bachelor's degree from SFSU and a Master's degree from Fuller Seminary, with more than 20 years of widely varying ministry experience.
He now trades stocks and options on the U.S. stock market, and is an investment advisor representative with Tradeway. His leisure time activities include restoring a 1965 Mustang in the garage; traveling with his wife, Tee, to places they’ve never been before; and writing stories he would actually want to read. David and his wife live in Northern California with their four kids.