My Brother in Heaven: A Young Boy's Perspective on Miscarriage

My Brother in Heaven: A Young Boy's Perspective on Miscarriage
My Brother in Heaven: A Young Boy's Perspective on Miscarriage
A.C. Babbitt

Have your parents lost a baby, and you don’t know what to feel or how to understand it?

Inspired by the author’s own experience of losing a baby boy, this story gently explains grief in a way young children can relate to. Through simple, comforting words, it helps children understand what happened, how their parents may be feeling, and the hope of eternal life with Jesus Christ.

About the Author

A.C. Babbitt is an award-winning and bestselling, Christian author, blogger, coach and speaker. She released her debut book, The Miscarriage Project, 2019, and her new children’s book series, Princess with a Purpose, 2021.
Babbitt’s books have achieved #1 Amazon Bestseller status (2X), #1 Amazon New Release status (7X), and she is a 7X, award-winning author, to date. Her author coaching clients have also achieved high success rates, such as #1 Amazon Bestseller (3X), Amazon #1 New Release (12X), and Bronze Medalist in Reader’s Favorite Book Award Contest, 2023. Babbitt has been featured on various podcasts, as well as CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network, Nov. 2020).
She attended Moody Bible Institute, studying Children’s Ministry, and graduated with a B.S. in Biblical Studies, with high honors. She is currently working on several new books. These include the second book in the Princess with a Purpose series and other up and coming books.
She has served in youth ministry with her husband for 15 years. They’ve been married for 12 years and have 6 children. She enjoys living in the Midwest. Babbitt loves to write, sing, play various instruments, be active outdoors, express creativity and spend time with family. She loves the color blue, romantic comedies, eating ethnic foods and scrapbooking. Most importantly, Babbitt believes when you understand and apply God’s Word to your life, you and your family can thrive!
You can follow and reach out to A.C. Babbitt at:
Facebook: @acbabbittauthor
Instagram: @acbabbittauthor
LinkedIn: @adrianne ac babbitt
Twitter/X: @AdrianneBabbitt