The Evitable

The Evitable
The Evitable
Krutartha Chitnis

After dismantling global nuclear arsenal, to avoid human annihilation, a secret facility is built in Antarctica. Among 96 scientists here, lurks a traitor. Who is the saboteur? Why did he do it? Join Dr. Victor Cormwell, the program head, on his dark journey leading these scientists as he embarks to find some hidden conspiracies, lies and betrayal, encountering tangible nightmares.

About the Author

Krutartha is embarking on his journey as an author, with a gift for crafting narratives that captivate and challenge readers. In his writing, you will uncover subtle clues and intricacies that may remain unseen until the climactic revelation, evoking a powerful sense of discovery. Although he is currently delving into the world of science fiction, his future works may traverse into other genres, whichever he enjoys exploring. Residing in Mumbai, Krutartha aims to create stories that will pull you out of this world and give goosebumps when you reach the last page of his book. 'The Evitable' is just a beginning.

Krutartha Chitnis