The Penny Arcade: Mother's Care Orphanage

The Penny Arcade: Mother's Care Orphanage
The Penny Arcade: Mother's Care Orphanage
David Neuman
Rated on Amazon as a 'gripping psychological thriller.' Beyond the greatest of minds, where substance is meaningless and the dead restlessly wander, misery claws into the minds of the living... plaguing them with visions of things that have no right to exist. For here, in a small rustic township in South Australia, nothing truly dies...

About the Author

Born in Adelaide, South Australia, David A Neuman penned the multi-award winning Kaleidoscopic Shades: Within Black Eternity some thirty years ago and, now, after a two-year trek beyond the thin patina of reality, Neuman has finally released the sequel, The Penny Arcade: Mother's Care Orphanage, admitting: Writing is like stumbling about the wilderness before tripping over a rough diamond... it needs to be shaped, polished, and nurtured to bring out its true qualities and the best in entertainment. Neuman continues to live in Adelaide with his beloved four-legged family: Marigold, Saffron, Cinnamon and Ginger - his very own Spice Girls. It is here he feels at home, especially when exploring its ghostly past, understanding that, regardless of one's background, we are all in this together. And always will be.

David Neuman