Dennis Scheel - Fantasy Featuring the Ultimate Evil

Dennis Scheel - Fantasy Featuring the Ultimate Evil

Dennis Scheel believes in karma strongly; treat others how you want to be treated. He is a Christmas Child, winter is magical, but so can a good story be, and this is what he aims to create. Life has brought challenges to Dennis, like everyone, but his experiences helped form him into finally being ready to tell the stories that were brewing in his head since he was a child.  As our Author of the Day, he tells us all about his latest book, Taken With a Dark Desire.

Please give us a short introduction to what Taken With a Dark Desire is about.

Denida’s son, Daniel, is kidnapped by people working for the devil. Denida and his wife, Nina, search for Daniel while Daniel attempts to manipulate his captors with stories of Denida’s mysterious past.

What inspired you to write a fantasy story featuring Lucifer?

The devil, Lucifer is the ultimate evil, so it always fascinated me!

Why did you include Denida's ring into the story?

Denida’s ring helps strengthen magic, making it a desirable token for the devil.

Who is Daniel, and what makes him so special?

Daniel is Denida’s son. Denida is the leader of an Underworld, making Daniel the child of a prominent figure. Additionally, Daniel is the only person Denida has trusted with the story of his past.

Besides writing, what other secret skills do you have?

Writing, whether it is poetry or novels, is my main talent. Besides that, pets always seem to like me, for some reason...

Which character did you find the most challenging to create?

Dull ones, heh.

Is there an underlying message you wish to relay about basic human nature through your characters?

This story serves as a forewarning of wanting to achieve a selfish goal by any means necessary. It’s about recognizing the difference between making a name for oneself by virtue or by sin. Denida, Lucifer, and Michelle are all contrasted and their desires and goals are called into question to show the prevalence of light, especially in the dark.

How do you force yourself to finish what you're doing before starting the next project when the new idea is nagging at you?

Determination goes a long way, but also the desire in writing.

Do you have any interesting writing habits? What is an average writing day like for you?

I have a usual word count minimum, but unfortunately, sometimes life gets in the way. On the other end of the spectrum, I can get caught up where I get a lot more done than first intended.

What are you working on right now?

The final chapter in the Underworlds saga.

Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?