E. M. Aguilar - Writing is Art, You Just Use Different Tools

E. M. Aguilar - Writing is Art, You Just Use Different Tools
author of the day

E.M. Aguilar's book, The Calling, came to him in a dream and he just had to write it down. The story developed into an action-packed adventure with a lot of magic that kept readers glued to the book. As our Author of the Day, Aguilar chats about his journey as an author, how he discovered writing as an art form and talks about his writing habits.

Please give us a short introduction to what The Calling is about.

The book, The Calling, is a thriller fantasy book about four people who are destined to save the world under the bleakest of times. The world as we know it had been destroyed by major catastrophes. The lifeblood of the earth is magic and it had been stored unbeknownst to the citizens of the world in large bastion structures deep in the bowels of stone and dirt. And these Bastions become demolished and the magic engulfs the world creating the disasters. 

Where did the idea for The Calling come from?

The idea of The Calling came to me in a dream. I dreamt of a large round structure filled with arcane powers. And it was guarded by monsters and people.

Tell us about your journey as an author. Did you always want to be a writer?

I always thought I was a late bloomer. I didn't, at first, want to be a writer. I wanted to be an artist. I even got a degree in Fine Arts. Yet, I have always read and told stories. It was a natural progression from being an artist and then becoming a writer. I see that they are both the same thing with different tools.

Besides writing, what other secret skills do you have?

I can draw and paint. I can even talk about art and artists. Yet, my skills have waned since College.

Your book has a very different take on magic. Why did you take this approach?
I really didn't know that my take on magic was different. The Calling is my eight book. All my books are about magic in different degrees. This is how I write. It is part of my personality and taste. I see magic in everything from the birds who fly upon the currents to the fish who swim in the vast ocean. 

The Calling contains a couple of twists. Did you plan them out before you started writing, or did some of them just "happen" along the way?

I write without a outline. I let words flow and watch what happens. It's almost like watching a great movie while at the same time becoming part of the story. It is sometimes a double edge sword because being so invested in my characters I get sad and angry with them, feeling what they feel.

Your readers report that this book was very hard to put down. What is your secret to keeping them glued to the book?

I am actually surprised my readers stay glued to my writing. There is no great secret. Write great scenes and understand pace.

Do you have any interesting writing habits? Do you prefer pen or computer? What is the best time of the day for you to write? Do you have a favorite writing spot?

I am a boring writer. I write on my IPad and also on my IPhone. I write anywhere and at anytime. I have no special place. I can write at Starbucks or I can write in my car.

What inspires you?

I get inspired by Great Writers and books. I love Stephen King, Koontz, Justin Cronin, Charles Dickens. I also love Histories and Thrillers. I also get inspired by nature and the quietness of the world or the sound of rain against leaves. 

What are you working on right now?

I am currently working on the sequel to The Calling. It is called the Season of Fear. It should be publish around June.

Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?

I have a website. The link is http://cyrusman183.wixsite.com/eric-aguilar-1. If people want to also see all my books. My author site on Amazon is: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B007PLUREQ

This deal has ended but you can read more about the book here.