Elizabeth Pantley - Mystery, Magic and Humor
Elizabeth Pantley is the international bestselling author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution and twelve other books for parents, published in over twenty languages. She simultaneously writes well-loved cozy mysteries: The Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic book series and the Magical Mystery Book Club series. Elizabeth lives in the Pacific Northwest, the gorgeous inspiration for the setting in many of her books. As our Author of the Day, she tells us all about her book, Sprites and Scuttlebutt.
Please give us a short introduction to what Sprites and Scuttlebutt is about.
Sprites and Scuttlebutt is the story of a book journey taken by the Magical Mystery Book Club. When this club selects a book, magic happens. They are whooshed inside the book and become the main characters as the mystery comes to life. It is exhilarating fun – until they realize they can’t get out until they solve the crime and reach The End.
In every book journey the group is excited to meet a different kind of paranormal being – ghosts, shifters, fairies, genies … and more! And in these books, calories don’t count, and cats talk!
What inspired you to write this series?
I’ve been a bookworm since kindergarten. Many times, I’ve been so engrossed in a book I think about how much fun it would be to actually be part of the story. To see the sights, meet the characters, and solve the mystery. One day, it came to me that writing a series about a book club who does just that would be amazing fun! And it is! Writing these books is the best time I’ve ever had at work.
"Sprites and Scuttlebutt" is the seventh book in the Magical Mystery Book Club series. How do you keep the series fresh and engaging for readers as it progresses?
When I started the series, I planned for it to be a long one. I thought about what would keep it fresh over time. I love paranormal books best, so I figured if the club met a different kind of paranormal being in each book it would keep the reader guessing. In addition, there is an aspect of the magic that allows a book club member to stay inside “their forever book.” Every few books one of the members chooses to stay behind!
In this installment, the book club travels to the Kingdom of Everglow, a land filled with colorful sprites and supernatural elements. How did you approach world-building for this magical realm?
The world-building for these books is the most fun ever! When I begin, I ponder the setting, sometimes for many weeks, before I even begin. Then I start a Google search for inspirational photos. In this case, magical palaces, enchanted fairy kingdoms, and wood sprites. I create a file of the photos to help me describe what I see in my head.
The plot of "Sprites and Scuttlebutt" involves a royal family and a mysterious attack on one of its members. How did you balance the fairy tale aspects of the story with the cozy mystery genre?
I’m an avid reader of paranormal cozy mysteries. I know I share many of the traits of my readers. I want “light” paranormal, more leaning toward magical realism, not full-on fantasy. When you read my books, you can imagine the things you’re reading about could actually happen to you. I keep the traditional cozy format in mind: no violence, profanity, or sex. The murder takes place off-stage. And there is always justice, and a happy ending for the good guys.
Frank the cat has a significant backstory revealed in this book. How did his character evolve from a talking cat to having such an intriguing past?
Everybody loves Frank! He’s a snarky, clever, lovable cat who can be a real wise guy. I’ve known his backstory since book one and have left breadcrumbs along the way. It was so much fun to unveil his history in this book. My readers loved his story and felt like it made perfect sense.
Humor and light-heartedness are recurring themes in your series. How do you integrate these elements while maintaining the mystery and suspense of the story?
That’s one of the things I love about cozy mysteries. They don’t take themselves too seriously. Even given the topic of murder, readers don’t want to be dragged down. They want to chuckle their way through the book. I also know these characters so well, it’s as if they lived next door to me! They are “real” people and have real feelings and interactions with each other.
The idea of characters interacting with the world of the book they're reading adds a meta layer to the story. How do you navigate the challenges of writing a story within a story?
Everything the characters do and say appears to me as if it’s a movie in my mind. I’m there, watching in person, so I can tell if it makes sense in the story.
The book club members each have their own unique personalities. How do you ensure each character remains distinct and contributes meaningfully to the story?
I’ve patterned the characters vaguely after movie actors or real people. Zell, the quirky, unfiltered octogenarian is loosely similar to my ninety-year-old mom! Once I’ve gone through one book with any character, they develop into who they are, and they become so real it’s easy for me to know what they would say or do in any situation.
The theme of community plays a significant role, both within the book club and in the Kingdom of Everglow. How important is this theme to the overall series?
Friendship is what ties this group together, so much so that they have become more like family. They truly care about each other – and they also can bicker and poke fun at each other, just like brothers and sisters!
Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?
You can sign up for my mailing list and receive a free book and take a journey with the book club! https://www.nocrysolution.com/mailing-list/
And you can find me here:
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/series/345907-magical-mystery-book-club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DestinyFallsMysteryandMagic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/destinyfallsmystery/
Magical Mystery Book Club series link on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BB5R43N1
Destiny Falls Mystery and Magic series link on Amazon: