Felix Alexander - Thrilling Fiction about Biblical Mysteries

Felix Alexander - Thrilling Fiction about Biblical Mysteries

Felix Alexander is a Mexican-born, American-raised novelist of Mexican and Puerto Rican descent. He is a U.S. Army veteran who resides in South Elgin, IL. As our Author of the Day, he chats about his novel, The Secret of Heaven and tells us all about the inspiration behind it.

Please give us a short introduction to what The Secret of Heaven is about.

It’s about a lost bible the Turkish government confiscated back in the early 2000’s when they executed a sting on the Mediterranean to break up an arms deal on the Black market. The controversial text correlates with the Islamic view of Jesus Christ as a prophet in lieu of being a deity.

What inspired you to use pieces from the Bible for clues in your book?

I felt it would move the plot forward by revealing interpretive text from the Bible that we seldom learn in Sunday school.

Tell us more about Aiden Leonardo. What makes him tick?

Aiden is a man who wants to better understand the reason many faiths emerged in the consciousness of humanity. He feels that it’s one thing to know what we believe, but he yearns to understand the why behind it.

Why did you title the book "The Secret of Heaven"?

I wanted to ask the big “what if?” Perhaps we might be inspired to continue to discuss the humanity of Christ vs the divinity of Christ, given that it is a topic that has a stumped scholars for centuries.

How much research did this book require from you and what was the most interesting aspect of your research?

I’ve studied religions for the past 20 years, because I’m simply fascinated by history, mythology, and the scriptures... so I felt I already had the basics to build on, but what I found most interesting is how much information remains hidden in plain sight and is omitted from sermons and teachings.

Besides writing, what other secret skills do you have?

I am a creative at heart, so I enjoy painting, sketching/drawing, sculpting, and I even incorporate that creativity into my cooking.

Some readers said that The Secret of Heaven reads like a movie. How did you pull this off?

Even though I have a penchant for mulling over every word and sentence, I generally tend to write as I see the scenes in my mind. I believe that having that artistic background helped me “paint a picture with words,” as so many readers have remarked.

Do you ever suffer from writer's block? If so, what do you do to combat it?

Writer’s block is a harsh reality of our craft. When I first experienced it, I panicked! I thought I had run out of words or something, but a close friend told me it was normal, and that all writers experience it. I have since developed a habit of merely reading. I no longer fret over it, because I know that when the words do come, they come in droves!

Talk to us a bit about your writing habits. Do you write early in the morning, or through the night? Pen or laptop?

It all depends on what is going on in my life. Last year, for example, I had an opportunity to devote 2 months to only writing (save for when my kids came over for visitation on the weekends). My Mon-Fri routine was to awaken at 3:30am, I had an energy drink and granola bars to get going for my 4am writing sessions. I’d basically write until 9pm, stopping for a snack at different times of the day, and then I’d wind down with a scotch on the rocks before going to bed at 10pm. Writing is the one thing I can do for 12-hours straight (or more) yet it never feels like work.

What did you have the most fun with when writing this book?

Creating Nagi’s character and writing his dialogue. He has become a fan-favorite, and I look forward to expanding his role in subsequent novels.

What genre of books do you like to read? Who are your favorite authors?

I pretty much read everything except horror and graphic novels. Among my favorite authors are: Gabriel Garcia-Marquez, Carlos Ruiz-Zafon, J.K. Rowling, Tolkien, and George R.R. Martin.

What are you working on right now?

I am currently wrapping up the sequel to The Secret of Heaven, titled: The Secret of Scripture. The cover is already complete! I’m also working on 2 more projects, but they are Top Secret for the time-being. ;-)

Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?

I have a website available: www.felixalexanderwriter.com, but I also have a public IG page: @writerfelixalexander and a Facebook Author Page: www.facebook.com/WriterFelixAlexander