Melanie Summers - Arrogant Crown Prince Meets Beautiful Anti-royal Blogger

Melanie Summers lives in Edmonton, Canada, with her husband, their three kiddos, and two crazy dogs. When she's not writing, she loves reading (obviously), snuggling up on the couch with her family for movie night (which would not be complete without lots of popcorn and milkshakes), and long walks in the woods near her house. As our Author of the Day, Summers tells us all about her book, The Royal Treatment.
Please give us a short introduction to what The Royal Treatment is about.
The Royal Treatment is a romantic comedy about a young woman, Tessa Sharpe, who, facing downsizing as a journalist, is trying to make it as a blogger. She manages to find a way to pay her bills by criticizing the royal family of Avonia, the small kingdom from which she hails. When the power-hungry prime minister calls a referendum, hoping to oust the royal family once and for all, the crown prince needs to find a way to improve his image—and fast. Tessa is invited to live at the palace for two months so he can prove to her that the royal family gives more than they take.
What inspired you to write about a crown prince and an anti-royal blogger under the same roof for 2 months?
I’ve always been a huge fan of England’s royal family so writing about royals seemed like a fun project—something I could really sink my teeth into. I wanted to put the very future of the monarchy at stake and thought having Tessa live with at the palace for two months would create some juicy conflict. Not only are she and Prince Arthur wildly attracted to each other, but the worst thing they could do is fall in love because a relationship between them would jeopardize both of their futures. In a romance, what’s better than rooting for two people to fall in love while you simultaneously worry about them ruining their lives?
People compare this book with Bridget Jones and The Princess Diaries. Would you agree?
Yes, I think so. Tessa is sort of a Bridget Jones-type in that she’s far from perfect. She’s utterly normal and comes from a pretty awful family. Her brothers all make fun of her every chance they get, and her parents underestimate her at every turn. The book could be compared to The Princess Diaries in that it takes a relatable young woman who is living a typical life and plunks her into a world of luxury in which she has a very steep learning curve if she’s going to survive.
Tell us more about Crown Prince Arthur. What makes him tick?
Prince Arthur is an extremely private person. He’s learned that there are very few people in life he can actually trust so he uses his sense of humour to keep everyone at bay while using his charm to get what he wants. When he meets Tessa, a woman he cannot charm and whom he has no desire to keep at bay, he’s in real trouble.
Why does Tessa Sharpe hate royals so much?
I can’t answer this. It would be a spoiler!
Besides writing, what other secret skills do you have?
Hmm…tricky. I’d have to go with having what my kids call ‘a super smeller.’ I have a crazy keen sense of smell (not always a good thing), but it does allow me to cook without ever tasting the food. I’m hoping it’ll help when my kids get older, should they decide to try vaping or weed…
Readers say that you had them laugh out loud throughout the book. How did you pull this off?
I LOVE it when people say the book made them laugh—that’s the best compliment ever. In an effort to make my stories funny, I have to ask myself a few questions before I start each scene. How can I make things worse/more awkward? More ridiculous? More honest? I try to have my characters admit things to the reader that we all think but don’t always admit to in real life. I think it adds humour and connects readers with the story.
Where do you get your best ideas?
In the shower or out on a long walk in the woods. Not sure why, but that’s just how my brain works.
Do you have any interesting writing habits? What is an average writing day like for you?
I often dictate my books while I’m walking the dogs. (I look like an insane woman but I’m at the point in life where I have no f*cks left to give about what other people think). I also need to stand at the kitchen counter while plotting—no idea why it works but I’m going with it. I wouldn’t say I have an average writing day, to be honest. I have three busy kids, two dogs, and thankfully just one husband—not that he’s not wonderful, because he totally is, but can you imagine having two or more husbands? Me neither. Anyhoo, I kind of have to take each day as it comes and work around my real life.
What are you working on right now?
I’m working on book three of my Paradise Bay Romantic Comedy series. It’s called The Suite Life and features a strapped-for-cash single mum and a young man who grew up rich but is teetering on the edge of being disinherited. It’s been an absolute blast to write.
Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?
I have a super fun book club on Facebook called The SECOND BEST BOOK CLUB EVER. Check it out here:
Or you can find me ALL over the internet:
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