S.G. Blaise - A Terrifically Entertaining, Complex, and Original Fantasy

S.G. Blaise - A Terrifically Entertaining, Complex, and Original Fantasy

S.G. was born in a faraway land of castles, monarchies, and fallen dictatorships, aka Hungary. Hollywood movies were forbidden under Soviet oppression during her childhood, but her dad smuggled them in any way, risking his life so that his children could experience the magic and hope inherent in those stories. She watched rebellions unfold in real-time. Journeyed across the Atlantic Ocean for love. She ended up in sunny California, where she is living her dream — writing stories and annoying family members. As our Author of the Day, she tell us all about her book, The Last Lumenian.

Please give us a short introduction to what The Last Lumenian is about.

The Last Lumenian is a coming-of-age story of Lilla. She is a not-your-average princess and a rebel-in-disguise, fighting for the refugee's freedom. The arrival of the mysterious and ruggedly-handsome Callum brings news of a bigger battle - the Era War between the two ruling archgods- that threatens not only Lilla's homeworld but everyone else's in the Seven Galaxies. Lilla must learn to control her magic and defeat the dark god before He finds her - the last Lumenian.

Tell us more about Lilla. What makes her tick?

Lilla is a sassy 19-year-old princess who is also a rebel-in-disguise. She is kind and caring and loyal. She is also on the verge of being an adult but not quite. There are still people in her life who try to tell her what to do, set her on a path they think is right for her. I love the fact that she is by no means perfect as she struggles to fit in and aims to find her purpose in life.

You grew up in Hungary. How has this influenced your writing?

Growing up in Hungary and experiencing the second half of Soviet oppression firsthand had an influential role in my life and writing. My Dad rebelled against oppression in his own way--he smuggled in Hollywood movies that were largely forbidden, risking his life so that his children could experience the magic inherent in those movies. These stories inspired my love of Sci-Fi and Fantasy.

Why did you decide to involve the Archgod of Chaos and Destruction in the story?

I created the Archgod of Chaos and Destruction as the antagonist to confront Lilla on multiple levels. What is a hero without an intriguing and powerful antagonist who challenges them at every turn? Not only do they force the hero to become a better person by overcoming the obstacles, but they eventually influence the antagonist as well. The stronger the antagonist, the better the struggle and the achievement at the end of the story, providing an unforgettable book for the readers.

Besides writing, what other secret skills do you have?

Outside of writing, I enjoy spending time with my family and being creative. I have found solace in working on miniature builds and designing notebooks, bookmarks, and cards. Lately, I've taken up another hobby of comedy improv and recently even did a show with others from my improv class. It has taught me so much about myself and how exploring other forms of expression can elevate one's creativity to a new level.

Which of your characters was the most fun to create and why?

Lilla was the most fun to create because of everything she represents. She is a complex character at the cusp of being an adult but still under pressure from many directions - family, duty, and even fate. I spent many days shaping her character, starting from her stubbornness, to her humor and finally to her loyalty. I wanted to create a determined hero who struggles with claustrophobia-induced panic attacks and overcomes both inner and outer obstacles on her journey of self-discovery. She is a reluctant hero, but realistic because of her vulnerability when it comes to mental health and her perseverance that pushes her to keep fighting for what she believes in. She teaches us that we don’t have to be perfect to be a hero.

Do any of your characters ever take off on their own tangent, refusing to do what you had planned for them?

At times characters may stray onto another path that does not always align with the original plan. But following that road and seeing where it takes them has also led to creating something special for them and those around them.

Why Sci-Fi Fantasy? What drew you to the genre?

Sci-Fi and Fantasy have always had a special place in my heart because it was something my father and I shared during my childhood. Seeing how much joy it brought him as we experienced it together led me to love Sci-Fi/Fantasy stories. As I got older, I found myself drawn to writing Sci-Fi/Fantasy stories as a way to reconnect with him.

Interesting cover. Please tell us more about how it came to be.

I had the fortune of working with Tim Barber from Dissect Designs. It was a lot of fun creating the cover that showcases the important elements of the story while also being eye-catching. We see the island and the castle–built into the mountain–right away, from which Lilla is rising in a deceptively demure pose but when you look at her facial expression, you can tell there is defiance there. We also added the stormy ocean to show danger. Behind Lilla, the galaxy beckons with intrigue and possibilities. I am so happy to share with you that the cover just won the Best Cover: Fiction category at the 2020 Annual “Best Books” Awards.


Do you plan out all twists and turns in your books or do some of it just tend to "happen" along the way?

I tend to have an initial plan for where I will go with each scene, but often I improvise when it fits the story. Sometimes it creates an even bigger twist later on that I would not have considered.

When starting on a new book, what is the first thing you do?

When starting a new book, I prefer to start with an outline, planning the scenes out ahead of time, but making sure there is room for improvisation. I found that combining the two works well for me.

Do you have any interesting writing habits? What is an average writing day like for you?

It depends on where I am in the process. I tend to spend a couple of months developing notes and outlining the story. Once writing starts, I spend anywhere from 4-8 hours on writing, as long as it takes to finish the scenes I started on. The longest was 8 months from a blank page, and the fastest was 30 days to write a story.

What are you working on right now?

I am currently working on the third book in the Last Lumenian Series. It has been such a thrill to continue Lilla's story and explore the many worlds within the Seven Galaxies. There is so much more to discover in the series, and I can't wait to share it with the readers.

Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?

Readers can explore more of my work on my website sgblaise.com and through my social media channels. I hope to see them all there!

Instagram and TikTok: @sgblaiseofficial

Twitter: @SGBlaiseAuthor

Facebook: /thelastlumenian

The Last Lumenian
S.G. Blaise

She is a rebel. Lilla fights on the side of refugees for their freedom from oppression. But there is a bigger war brewing on the horizon. The Era War. A war between two ruling archgods that threatens not only Lilla’s home world but also everyone else’s in the Seven Galaxies. Enemies must become friends and allies in the desperate race to defeat the archgod before He finds her.
