Vickie McKeehan - Bitten By The Writing Bug At A Young Age

If there are two things that Vickie McKeehan knows very well its romance and suspense. However, she doesn’t just love reading these type of books, but has also written numerous ones. Judging by the consistency at which her novels appear on Amazon’s Top 100 lists for these genres she also has a knack for creating characters who readers can identify with. Today we talk to Vickie about the first book in her The Evil Secrets trilogy, her journey as an author and what inspires her.
Please give us a short introduction to what Just Evil is about
Three friends believe they have escaped the evil clutches that have haunted them since childhood until a stranger brings revenge full circle.
Just Evil
A survivor of an abusive childhood, Kit Griffin cherishes her new life of freedom. But when her tyrannical mother is found brutally murdered on Mother’s Day, the horrors of her past threaten to destroy her.
What inspired you to write about a girl who is being chased by a killer?
Hmm, I’d have to say the people who read my first rough drafts, and then said something like, “THIS was inside you all this time. Why didn’t I know this about you?”
Tell us more about Kit Griffin's character. How was she conceived in your mind?
Kit simply refused to go away. I would dream about her character in vivid color until I had to get up in the middle of the night, turn on the laptop, and write her story.
You worked a lot of twists into Just Evil. Did you plan them out right from the start?
Most of the twists where planed, some just popped up as each character came to life and revealed themselves to me.
Besides writing, what other secret skills do you have?
I can smell hot coffee and chocolate croissants a mile away.
Just Evil is the first in a trilogy. Do you need to read the books in succession or can they be read as standalones?
The Evil Secrets Series needs to be read in succession as the next book builds on the last book, much like The Lord of The Rings trilogy.
What books are on your nightstand? What type of books do you enjoy reading?
My palate in books run from Romantic Suspense, thrillers, true crime to Contemporary Romance
Tell us about your journey as an author. Have you always wanted to be a writer?
I had an excellent middle school English teacher named Mrs. Brown. Somehow the woman saw potential in me, unlike many of my other teachers. Mrs. Brown encouraged me to write. As a result, I won a writing contest with one of my stories. It was the first time anyone patted my head to tell me it was okay to make stuff up. And from there, I guess, I thought that was pretty cool. And just like that the writing bug had me.
Do you have any interesting writing habits? Favorite writing spot? Time of day? Somewhere you go for inspiration?
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.”
― Charles M. Schulz
Because it pretty much sums up my entire philosophy about life and it mentions chocolate.
First choice, Big Sur but anywhere along the California coast and I’m a happy camper.
What is the best writing advice you’ve received?
To tell a good story.
Have changes in your own life affected any of your characters?
I always put something of myself into my work, in every book I write I’m there within the pages. I learned that in creative writing class. If you know me well, you’ll recognize a quirk or two.
What are you working on right now?
I’m working on my tenth novel in the Pelican Pointe Series – Beneath Winter Sands
Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?
To my readers, I appreciate your buying and taking the time to read my books. I appreciate it when you leave a review or take the time to message me. After all, without you, I’d still be writing for myself. So thank you for spending your dollars on my work. I encourage my readers to visit my website: