Biographies & History

The Weirdest Read While You Poo On The Loo

Kimberly Miller, History Compacted
This bathroom book isn’t a novelty—it’s a mind-satisfying read to keep you entertained in the loo. The insane-but-true stories within aren’t for the faint of heart, but they’ll sure make going #2 a lot more satisfying! Whether you’re a Pop Culture enthusiast, a Science lover, a History buff, or are curious about a ton of other subjects, this book is perfect to fill those empty moments.

History of Poland

Captivating History
Poland, a modern state in the very center of Europe, used to be a battlefield of many nations. Throughout its history, Poland had to fight for its independence—for its very existence. This Captivating Guide to Polish History will get you acquainted with the country that is probably most overlooked in historical studies.

History of Latin America

Captivating History
In this book, you will learn more about: • The pre-Columbian civilizations of Latin America • First contact with European explorers and what the initial relationships were like with the Europeans • The gall of the Aztec and Inca Empires and what happened to the people living there • The colonization of Latin America • And much more!

Medieval Russia

Captivating History
From the early, primitive state-like formations in the 9th century all the way to the creation of the first true tsardom of Russia in 1547, the history of medieval Russia is one filled with constant struggles for power, personal rivalries between various princes, bloody wars, and a search for identity. If you want to learn more about medieval Russia, get this book now!

Ancient Iran

Captivating History
Discover the history of Ancient Iran that spans from Iran’s mysterious origins to the Islamic conquest. Ancient Persia conjures images of extravagant palaces, beautiful gardens, mighty armies, and all-powerful kings, queens, and princes. The beginnings of Iranian antiquity are enigmatic, but from the cradle of the western Zagros Mountains came the greatest empires the world has ever known.

History of Denmark

Captivating History
You will discover many astounding facts about Denmark’s history in this book. • Were the Danish Vikings only interested in conquest? • Who the current Danish royal family is descended from? (Hint: it is not a Dane!) • How and when did Denmark establish the wide-ranging social safety net it is so well-known for today? If you want to learn more about this Scandinavian country, get this book now!