Average Jones

Average Jones


(3 Reviews)
Average Jones by Samuel Hopkins Adams







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Average Jones


(3 Reviews)
Adrian Van Reypen Egerton Jones, who prefers his nickname ''Average'' to his full name for obvious reasons, is a member of the very exclusive Cosmic Club, whose members are all experts in very diverse fields. Jones, who lives at the Club, is an adviser to firms on advertising, and uses his intelligence and good humour to solve very unusual crimes and cases.

Book Excerpt

Linder experienced upon the undefended rear of his person the most violent kick of a lifetime not always devoted to the arts of peace. It projected him clear of the window-sill. His last sensible vision was the face of the musician, the mouth absurdly hollow and pursed above the suddenly removed mouthpiece. Then an awning intercepted the politician's flight. He passed through this, penetrated a second and similar stretch of canvas shading the next window below, and lay placid on his own front steps with three ribs caved in and a variegated fracture of the collar-bone. By the time the descent was ended the German musician had tucked his brass under his arm and was hurrying, in panic, down the street, his ears still ringing with the concussion which had blown the angry householder from his own front window. He was intercepted by a running policeman.

"Where was the explosion?" demanded the officer.

"Explosion? I hear a noise in the larch house on the corner," replied the musician dully.



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Readers reviews

Average from 3 Reviews
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A good general premise but the crimes that the main character solves are so unlikely, so removed from the real world, that they awake only a mild interest.
The investigator is too superhumanly omniscient, allmighty and infallible, and, in the same time, is devoid of any human traits, though in the last chapter he falls in love. As a result, you can't like him.
Also, all his exploits advance in a straight line, he never encounters any obstacle.
The language is very cultured but lacks in elegance and smoothness.
While the first chapters invite some curiosity, the last ones are frankly booring.
Short stories joined together by interesting premise. Hero uses newspaper personal ads to find clients and to find crooks. Light-weight but fun. Some neat scientific deductions.
Curious concept- idle man gets involved as an advisor and in the process solves crimes, brings families back together, does all kinds of things. Still, an interesting read and credible once his occupation is accepted.
Linnea March - Sweet, Charming Winter Romance
FEATURED AUTHOR - Linnea March is a contemporary romance author who writes steamy stories about self-confident women and the rugged men who love them. She lives somewhere in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her husband, their two boys, and a plump dog. After fifteen years of teaching early childhood education, she put down the googly eyes and picked up a pen. When not writing, she can be found reading her way through her ever-growing TBR pile while drinking copious amounts of coffee. She proudly refuses… Read more