Adrift in New York
Adrift in New York
Tom and Florence Braving the World
Book Excerpt
saloon, sells papers in the evenings, and makes himself generally useful."
"Has he any education?"
"Well, I haven't sent him to boarding school or college," answered Tim. "He don't know no Greek, or Latin, or mathematics--phew, that's a hard word. You didn't tell me you wanted him made a scholar of."
"I didn't. I wanted never to see or hear from him again. What made you bring him back to New York?"
"Couldn't keep away, governor. I got homesick, I did. There ain't but one Bowery in the world, and I hankered after that----"
"Didn't I pay you money to keep away, Tim Bolton?"
"I don't deny it; but what's three thousand dollars? Why, the kid's cost me more than that. I've had the care of him for fourteen years, and it's only about two hundred a year."
"You have broken your promise to me!" said Curtis, sternly.
"There's worse things than breaking your promise," retorted Bolton.
Scarcely had he spoken than a change came over his face, and he stared open-
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