Shifting Winds

Shifting Winds
A Tough Yarn


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Shifting Winds by Robert Michael Ballantyne





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Shifting Winds
A Tough Yarn


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This story is as full of hairbreadth escapes, exciting incidents, and vivid descriptions of sailor life as any boy could desire -- hearty, vigorous, bracing, and fresh with the pure breezes and sparkling waters of the everlasting seas.

Book Excerpt

egard to which the newspapers said, "she was dashed to pieces, and all hands perished."

But in this particular case all hands had not perished: two lives had been spared, unknown to journalists and coastguardsmen.

It was the dead of night when the vessel struck. The spot was lonely, at least a mile distant from human habitations. No anxious eyes on shore saw her quiver as each successive billow lifted her up and hurled her cruelly down; no sorrowing ear heard the shriek of despair that rose above the yelling storm, when, in little more than ten minutes, the vessel broke up, and left the crew and passengers to perish within sight of their native land.

There was one man among the number who did not shriek, who did not despair. He was not a hero of romance whose soul raised him above the fear of sudden death--no, he was only a true-hearted British tar, whose frame was very strong, whose nerves were tightly strung and used to danger. He had made up his mind to save his life if he could; if he


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