Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium

Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium


(1 Review)
Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium by Jessie Hubbell Bancroft







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Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium


(1 Review)
This book aims to be a practical guide for the player of games, whether child or adult, and for the teacher or leader of games. A wide variety of conditions have been considered, including schools, playgrounds, gymnasiums, boys' and girls' summer camps, adult house parties and country clubs, settlement work, children's parties, and the environment of indoors or out of doors, city or country, summer or winter, the seashore, the woodland, or the snow. The games have been collected from many countries and sources, with a view to securing novel and interesting as well as thoroughly tried and popular material, ranging from traditional to modern gymnasium and athletic games.

Book Excerpt

spectacle of so-called national games, Baseball and Football in America, Handball in Ireland, Pelota in Spain, and so on; but natural expression through games has always been and probably always will be infinitely varied, and should be if the psychology of the subject is to be taken as a guide.

In the arrangement of material there has many times been a strong temptation to classify the games by their historic, geographic, psychologic, or educational interests; by the playing elements contained in them; or by several other possible methods which are of interest chiefly to the academic student; but these have each in turn been discarded in favor of the original intention of making the book preëminently a useful working manual for the player or leader of games.

[Sidenote: Varying modes of play]

The same games are found not only in many different countries and localities, but under different names and with many variations in the form of playing them. This has necessitated a method of an


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Noam Josephides - Heart-Pounding Sci-Fi Mystery
FEATURED AUTHOR - Noam Josephides is an award-winning and bestselling author, screenwriter and director. He is also a serial technology entrepreneur with numerous successful companies founded, and a past as an Airforce Captain. Noam's love for speculative writing and Science Fiction began with the genre classics he read in his childhood - from Asimov and Heinlin to Clarke and Douglas Adams.