Smugglers' Reef
Smugglers' Reef
Rick and Scotty use an infrared camera to gather evidence against smugglers.
Book Excerpt
the beams illumined alternate patches of woods and small settlements.
There were no major towns between Whiteside and Seaford, but there were a number of summer beach colonies, most of them in an area about halfway between the two towns. The highway was little used. Most tourists and all through traffic preferred the main trunk highway leading southward from Newark. They saw only two other cars during the short drive.
Many months had passed since Rick's last visit to Seaford. He had gone there on a Sunday afternoon to try his hand at surf casting off Million Dollar Row, a stretch of beach noted for its huge, abandoned hotels. It was a good place to cast for striped bass during the right season.
"Smugglers' Reef," he said aloud. "Funny that a Seaford trawler should go ashore there. It's the best-known reef on the coast."
"Maybe the skipper was a greenhorn," Scotty remarked.
"Not likely," Jerry said. "In Seaford the custom is to pass fishing ships down from father to son. The
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I'm very glad to see these coming back into "print" (and hope the first volumes make it here soon). I read about half the series as a kid, they were more "restrained" than Tom Swift, Jr. (fewer inventions, for example) and were fun since Ric's base was an island off of New Jersey (where I grew up and still live).
Mysterious goings-on on the Jersey shore. Even better than that stupid reality series!
Mysterious goings-on on the Jersey shore. Even better than that stupid reality series!
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