The Flying U's Last Stand
The Flying U's Last Stand
An amusing account of Chip and the other boys opposing a party of school teachers.
Book Excerpt
be sold--when he was "broke gentle"--and then he hobbled back again, thankful for the soft comfort of his big chair.
That was well enough, as far as it went. The Flying U took it for granted that the Old Man was slowly returning to the old order of life, when rheumatism was his only foe and he could run things with his old energy and easy good management. But there never came a day when the Old Man gave his cane to the kid to play with. There never came a day when he was not thankful for the soft comfort of his chair. There never came a day when he was the same Old Man who joshed the boys and scolded them and threatened them. The day was always coming-- of course!--when his back would quit aching if he walked to the stable and back without a long rest between, but it never actually arrived.
So, imperceptibly but surely, the Old Man began to grow old. The thin spot on top of his head grew shiny, so that the Kid noticed it and made blunt comments upon the subject. His rheumatism was not his worst
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A little juvenile, I thought, but probably good reading for youngsters. I thought the conclusion a bit abrupt but I guess in anticipation of a sequel.
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