For Love of Country

For Love of Country
A Story of Land and Sea in the Days of the Revolution


(1 Review)
For Love of Country by Cyrus Townsend Brady





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For Love of Country
A Story of Land and Sea in the Days of the Revolution


(1 Review)
The action between the Randolph and the Yarmouth really happened, the smaller ship did engage the greater for the indicated purpose, much asI have told it; and if I have ventured to substitute another name for that of the gallant sailor and daring hero, Captain Nicholas Biddle, who commanded the little Randolph, and lost his life, on that occasion, I trust this paragraph may be considered as making ample amends.

Book Excerpt

words, I pray you. No, I will not release you until I have spoken. These are troublous times. I may leave at any moment--must leave when my orders come, and I expect them every day, and before I go I must tell you this."

Her downcast eyes could still see him blush and then pale a little under the sunburn and windburn of his face, as he went on speaking.

"I have no one; never had I a sister, I can remember no mother; believe me, I entreat you, when I tell you that to no woman have I ever said what I have just said to you. We sailors think and speak and act quickly, it is a part of our profession; but if I should wait for years I should think no differently and act in no other way. I love you! Oh, Katharine, I love you as my soul."

There was a note of passion in his voice which thrilled her heart with ecstasy; the others had not made love this way.

"You seem to me like that star I have often watched in the long hours of the night, which has shown me the way on many a trackless sea.


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Ah yes, where have the days gone where soldiers would fight for their country and suffer the inconvenience of possible and actual death without complaint, steadfast in the knowledge that their life meant less than the freedom of their home?

This story - a love story on two fronts - tells of Captain John Seymour Seymour (repetition of name not a mistake) and his struggle twixt love for Kate and love for his country during the time of General Washington's battle against the British.

At times overly flowery and somewhat whimsical, the yarn does deliver some unforgettable characters; and daring, at times gruesome imagery.

A must for any citizen of the USA and England if only for its reminder that chivalry even in battle and certainly in love far exceeds the bully boy tactics of modern gangs and individual thugs.

Still a good read and worth the effort to do so.